May 3, 2021

Jazznu- Interview Maart 2021 met TW Andersen


Link to the interview in Dutch
Thomas on these questions: Transled by Google
What are you doing right now?
What memories of your career are the most precious to you?
Why do you like to do what you do?
When did your passion for jazz originate?
What development in jazz history did you want to be a part of?
What’s the most bizarre thing you’ve ever experienced at a concert?
Where do you find inspiration?
What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
Which piece of music or album has a special meaning for you?
What do you always take with you?
What current events have your attention?
Who is your role model outside of jazz?
What intrigues you about your instrument?
What have you learned from your music?
What did you always want to be in the past?
When do you experience the freedom to fail?
Which development in jazz do you welcome?
Who do you enjoy working with?
What dreams are still ahead of you?
To whom do you pass the Jazz tafette baton? What are you doing right now?
What memories of your career are the most precious to you?
Why do you like to do what you do?